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MPC awarded NOMAD status
MARILOU PAVLOU CHRISTODOULIDES LLC has now been approved as a Nominated Advisor (NOMAD) in listing companies in the Emerging Companies...

Changes to the Cyprus Citizenship Programme 2019
Changes to the Cyprus Citizenship Programme 2019 On the 13th of February 2019, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus...

Compliance with reporting obligations is crucial for Cyprus Investment Firms
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (the “CySEC”) has completed a review on the quality of the data which has been reported to...

Revised Definition of “Shell Companies” by Central Bank
On the 2nd of November 2018, the Central Bank of Cyprus (the “CBC”) issued a circular with the purpose of clarifying the definition of...

On June 15th, 2018, and based on the decision numbered 81.292 and 84.068 dated 13/09/2016 and 09/01/2018, the following amendments to the...
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