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Brexit Update: Residence Rights of the UK Nationals
In light of the fast approaching deadline for the legal exit of Britain from the European Union, awe outline below key concerns for...

Revised Definition of “Shell Companies” by Central Bank
On the 2nd of November 2018, the Central Bank of Cyprus (the “CBC”) issued a circular with the purpose of clarifying the definition of...

New trading relationship: Double Tax Treaty between Luxembourg and Cyprus
On the 8th May 2018, the finance ministers of Luxembourg and Cyprus signed the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between the two...

The Revised Cyprus- India Tax Treaty marks the beginning of a New Trading Relationship with India
Three years of unclarity and uncertainty over Cyprus’ position as a notable alternative tax jurisdiction for India, due to the absence of...

Cysec issues guidance to Cyprus Investment Firms when providing information to clients regarding the
In preparation for the entry into force on 3 January 2018 of the European Securities and Markets Authority’s guidelines for the...

Amendments to Companies Law Cap 113: Article 142
Introduction Law 97(Ι) of 2016, which was published in the official gazette on 23 September 2016, amends the Companies Law Cap 113 in...
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